Sunday, August 28, 2011

Psychiatric Rehabilitation: Our Services in NYC area and Catskills

It is the most difficult decision you have ever been asked to make. Your loved one has a mental illness.  Outpatient counseling and psychiatry do not seem to be enough and out of home placement is being recommended. The term is Community Residence where they offer Psychiatric Rehabilitation.


The Board of Directors of the United States Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association USPRA approved and adopted the following standard definition of psychiatric rehabilitation: Psychiatric rehabilitation promotes recovery, full community integration and improved quality of life for persons who have been diagnosed with any mental health condition that seriously impairs their ability to lead meaningful lives. Psychiatric rehabilitation services are collaborative, person directed and individualized. These services are an essential element of the health care and human services spectrum, and should be evidence-based. They focus on helping individuals develop skills and access resources needed to increase their capacity to be successful and satisfied in the living, working, learning, and social environments of their choice.


  1.   4, 6 or 8 hours a week (divided into an average of 3 days a week) of “in-home” psychiatric rehabilitation services by licensed mental health professionals
  2.  24 hour on-call emergency telephone support
  3.  Individual psychotherapy and psycho-education
  4.  Family therapy and psycho-education
  5.  Individualized treatment planning
  6.  Coordination with other service providers

Ø  Personal skill building in areas such as:
  • Symptom Management
  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL’S)
  • Social Skills 
  •  Budgeting
  •  Shopping
  •  Laundry
  •  Cooking
  •  Cleaning
  •  Medication Management
  •  Vocation and Education

Personal skills, also called “services” in Community Residences (Group Homes) are usually taught by nonprofessionals. We have Licensed Mental Health Professionals (Master Degree or above) working with your loved ones. 


1.      Psychiatric illness does not discriminate between the poor and the wealthy. It knows no class boundaries, racial divisions or sexual orientation. Psychiatric illness does not belong to any religious group or occupation. Psychiatric illness can hit anyone, anywhere no matter what his/her situation.

2.      For those who have pervasive, serious mental illness there are resources that can help. Private therapy and psychiatry, clinics, long term and acute hospitalization, day treatment, partial hospitalization, psychosocial clubs, community residences, and supported housing are among the traditional venues to treat these individuals. These resources have become fewer as resources become more scarce. Access to community based programs are regulated by the states and criteria for access to the most intensive of the community based programs, community residences, have been prioritized by current levels of care versus need.

3.      In New York State, the Office of Mental Health implemented a tier approach to individual’s admission to community residences under their umbrella. First to be accepted are those currently in state psychiatric hospitals. Second, are those currently in acute psychiatric hospitals. Third, are those who are homeless. Last, are those living in their own homes or with family.

4.      Community residences and supported housing apartments are generally located in areas of a community that are not always favorable: Low income and high crime rate neighborhoods where rents are low (to help agencies with operating costs) is the general norm.  Those based in other neighborhoods are generally far from family and the community that the ill person is comfortable with. This only compounds the problem for all involved. Those from prosperous communities must move away from their support systems which more than not compounds and even worsens their condition.

5.      What is needed is intensive psychiatric rehabilitation services delivered in their home, utilizing community services only as required. Why is this service needed?

A.      Access to care is limited based on the OMH tier approach described above.
B.      Most psychiatric rehab residences are located away from where the person       lives.
C.      The patient and his/her family may not want the patient to move away and leave home.
D.      There is greater anonymity.
E.      Flexibility: We do whatever will get results. We are not bound by agency protocols.
F.      Independent living or greater independence is the ultimate goal.
G.     Family involved weekly.
H.    Our services are individualized. We are dedicated to work with you and your loved one as long as the service is needed. Very specific goals and objectives are constructed with your loved one and family (with his/her permission) and an action plan are developed to meet these milestones.


1.       Contact us to schedule a private and confidential interview in your home.

2.       Choose from one of our 3 levels of care (All levels have the same services; the number of hours per week of the licensed mental health professional changes based on the level most suited for your loved one)

3.       Fill out our service agreement

4.       A licensed mental health professional will be chosen who can best meet the unique needs of your loved one and family

Contact Michael Raskind, LCSW

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